Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Different Pair of Shoes

I am compelled once again to write a little.  I try to stay out of politics.  A discussion of politics has already cost me one friend on Facebook…but so help me….I’ve got to speak my mind regarding Donald Trump.

I understand the frustration people feel regarding our choices both Democratic and Republican in the upcoming election.  I too am frustrated by the gridlock in Congress, the corruption and the lack of leadership demonstrated by our elected officials.  I also understand how the public is looking for a fresh new face that is not associated with the political status quo that we currently live with.  However, I shudder to think what will become of our country if this man is elected as President of the United States.  

When I see him on TV, when I hear him speak, when I observe his total lack of respect for Hispanics, women, his current running mates and almost every other group that he can take pot shots at I cringe.  He reminds me of everything our founding fathers fought against in the Revolutionary War.  I see him as something of a reincarnation of King George III, the English king during that war.  He too was pompous, disrespectful, self-absorbed, etc, etc.  

It was in large part due to King George III that our founding fathers worked so hard to establish a democratic government, a government run for and by the people.   They had lived under the rule of a monarchy controlled by the king and his elitist court.  They knew the reality of religious, political and economic persecution.  

If the attraction of Donald is that he is a successful business man….we all need to remember that our government is not a business.  Yes, it does have elements of business structure, but the President of the United States does not have the freedom to run the federal government like a business.  That role, the role of President, is tightly regulated and the office of President does not get to hire and fire at will, make executive decisions with little to no regard for the consequences.  He would be so hamstrung by the protocol, regulations, bureaucracy, etc. of the office that I cannot begin to imagine his level of frustration.  

Donald Trump has no touch with the reality of the common citizen of the US.  He lives is a world so separate from what most of us experience that he cannot begin to appreciate the everyday life of the average US citizen.   His lack of respect for anything/anyone different from himself would usher our country into chaos as it has never seen.

There is a huge difference between being ‘the boss’ and being ‘the President’…and those are shoes I do not think he can fill.


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