Sunday, November 24, 2013

How Times Have Changed

It was an interesting week, with all the JFK shows reviving memories from 50 years ago.  I remember Mr. Tulumaris’ 10th grade typing class that day, when the loudspeaker interrupted class with the news that changed our lives forever.  It was the end of our innocence and heralded the times to come.  From that day our country moved on to the Vietnam War protests, the deaths of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Watergate all of which made us all a bit more cynical, less trusting, more wary. 

There was a lot to choose from this week as far as that day went.  The most interesting for me came from an article written by Bob Schieffer, the renowned CBS New journalist.  His article covered the day from his perspective as a young reporter on the police beat.  

The article which was several pages long covered many aspects of the event, but the most interesting to me was his take on the day as a media event.  He points out how in one more way, the Kennedy assassination was a milestone event for our country.  

Until that day the vast majority of Americans got their news from print…the great newspapers of the era.  It was what he termed, ‘gatekeeper journalism’ where we all got our news from mainstream sources  and then based our opinions on that source.

That is no longer the case.  Now we have what Schieffer terms ‘validation journalism’, meaning we have a huge variety of news sources and tend to seek out the source that validates the opinion we already hold.  The questions of course then become; is it true?  Can it be trusted?  

From where I stand I think the questions are moot.   I don’t think the vast majority of Americans care any longer whether or not a story is true or if a source can be trusted for accurate reporting.  If you are a fan of Facebook, and I am, you see evidence of this all over Facebook and any other internet site you choose to visit.  

Over and over again friends and family whom I consider well educated, responsible, caring people, post on Facebook stories and articles that are so obviously fabricated for a particular political position that they often tip over the brink of ludicrousness.  Occasionally I push back.  I try to do so gently and with care, but as often as not I shake my head and wonder at the path we are all being sucked down.  

It is as though we no longer value our own credibility.  That all we care about is being ‘right’ and ‘winning’ no matter the cost.  And our level of tolerance is almost at zero for opposing positions.  I for one deliberately avoid political discussions because I can no longer trust that a friendly debate can be had.  

So, instead, I sit back and shake my head.  I wish I had faith that all will be well and that as individuals we will find our way back to center, from which we can draw well considered, factual positions on whatever issue.  But I think not. 


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