Saturday, March 08, 2025

Saturday Mornings

It’s Saturday morning and just a little out of the usual. 

Last night Pete and I stayed up later than usual to watch a movie. We are usually early to bed, but last night we were well over 2 hours past our bed time. This morning, Pete woke up as usual, but I stayed in bed a little longer, then roamed out to have breakfast and the TV was on. I don’t usually watch TV on Saturday mornings. I’m usually poking around the house or on my phone or computer, but this AM I sat down and watched TV for a while. 

As I sat there watching what is evidentially the usual Saturday AM choices, I suddenly remembered what was on Saturday morning TV when I was a kid. I mean like ages 5, 6, 7 or so. My brother, Jim, and I did watch TV on Saturday mornings. Mom and Dad both worked on Saturday mornings. Mom was a nurse and seemed to work every Saturday AM and Dad owned an appliance store and was always at the store on Saturdays. Our neighbor, Maxine Osborne, kept an eye on us until either Mom or Dad came home. 

Anyway, back to the topic….I remember Mighty Mouse, Rin Tin Tin, My Friend Flicka, Lassie, Fury, etc, etc. I loved those shows and Jim and I would spend the entire morning glued to the TV. 

Today, as I roamed through 100+ channels, I found nothing that even remotely resembled them. I found nothing that came close to keeping me glued to the TV. I wonder what happened, back in the day, those were really terrific shows. 

Times have changed, I know, but I sure do miss those kid shows. Not sure, but I think I would watch them still. No blood and guts, no sex, no bad language, just good, clean wholesome stories. 

I wonder if kids today would watch them…..have we changed that much?


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