As most folks know, I love to read and I love history, so the combination of the two is of great interest to me. Back on August 29, 2018 I shared a blog of how I am reading presidential biographies in chronological order – among other books.
In that writing I was complaining of the length and boredom of a James Monroe biography. It was especially detailed to the point that I almost gave up on it…..something I rarely do. The only book in recent memory that I have given up on was Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. I just couldn’t do it. The style of the writing I couldn’t grasp and it was a VERY long book in which to have that as an issue.
However, I am writing today to share that I am currently reading a biography of FDR, which is very good and although long, I will finish it sometime in the near future. When I started thinking about this post, I counted back how many presidential biographies I’ve read since my August 2018 whining about Munroe. 27 biographies, wow, I hadn’t been paying attention to the number at all!!!
I am quite proud of my accomplishment. One more to go and I’ll reach Eisenhower who will be my first reading during the time of my life and a president I clearly remember. I’m anxious to get to the point in the country’s history where I am a participant in the story.
I am also proud that I set a goal for myself, and if I live long enough, I will finish it. It isn’t guaranteed that I will get all the biographies read, because in between the biographies, I have a shelf of books I’ve acquired over time, but never read, and I have a reading list of books that I want to read which currently totals 119 books….so, I take turns, read a biography book, then read a book from my shelf, then read a book from my reading list. And recently, I added a new source of books by learning of a program at the Cincinnati Art Museum, called “See the Story”. Six times a year the program meets, attendees have read an assigned book, they gather to discuss the book and then tour a section of the museum related to the book.
First book I read in the program was The Art Thief. An excellent true story which I found riveting. The discussion at the art museum was very good. The tour left a little to be desired. Next up is The Tiffany Girls. A friend has already told me the book is excellent. Can’t wait to get there, but have to get through FDR first!!!
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