Sunday, February 16, 2025


Pete and I noticed yesterday all the hype for the 50th anniversary of SNL.  The first ever episode was televised last night at the usual 11:30 time slot.  We are typically in bed by 9:00, awake until 10 PM, so I taped the airing.  We watched it after breakfast this morning.

So…what has happened, are we just too old to enjoy the humor of 50 years ago?  Or, have times changed and what was funny then isn’t so much today?  Or, was the first episode not quite of the same quality as they came to be?  Probably a bit of all. 

Anyway, we sat through the entire airing and laughed just a little.  Checked in with each other “Did you get that?”  “Nope, did you?”  “Nope.” Multiple times.  Even George Carlin, that episode’s host, wasn’t as funny as I remember him from times past. 

In 1975 I was living in Fairbanks and I don’t remember spending much time in front of the TV.  By July of 1975 I was living in Guam, and I don’t remember having a TV, so I may not have even known of SNL for quite a while.  By June of 1976 I was back in Cincinnati and don’t remember initially having a TV back here.  When I do remember SNL, it was always too late at night for me.  I’ve never been a late-night person.

So tonight, at 8PM we are going to watch the 50th anniversary show of SNL, hope that goes better.  Will let you know!!!!


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