Sunday, April 04, 2021

Memories One Year Later


A year ago today I lost one of my dearest friends.  I miss her so much and think of her often.  But I have to share something that happened today that brought her back to me full force.

I have hundreds, maybe thousands of photos from my 73 years.  They aren’t well organized, actually not organized at all, and I was looking for another photo, totally unrelated to Nancy. 

While looking for the photo I came across a letter Nancy had written in memory of my father who died November 15, 2006.  I have no memory of this letter, as far as I know this is the first time I have ever read it.  Thought I would like to share it and once again thank Nancy for being such a dear, dear friend…..

She wrote, “My mother and father divorced when I was just a baby.  My mother moved our family every year to a different house.  I always hated the first day of school because I never knew anyone.  As I entered 8th grade, a girl named Sue came up to me and wanted to be my friend – she thought I looked like Hailey Mills.  Little did I know our friendship would include having her wonderful parents to guide me through our teenage years.  Sue and I were consistently together thus we had very watchful and caring parents looking out for our welfare.  Mr. Hallsted was the only father figure I had in my life and I thank God he was there to make sure I always stayed on the right track.  Sue and I never got into any trouble – except when we couldn’t stop laughing in church so we were no longer permitted to sit in the balcony – we had to sit right next to Mr. & Mrs. Hallsted.  Memories of my Sundays were always going to church and then taking a road trip – Mr. Hallsted always liked to take that dirt road that went nowhere.

Even after graduation and marriage, I would come to the Hallsteds for help.  When my husband and I got out of the Navy and moved back to Florida, we had no money and no food.  We called – who else – but Mr. Hallsted.  He left his home and met us at his meat store and loaded us up with food.  He always treated me as his own.

I loved him very much and will miss him deeply.  He was so much a factor in who I am today.

Thank you, Mr. Hallsted,”

Nancy Richey 


Thank you, Nancy Richey.