Friday, November 24, 2023

Leaf Fall

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how much I loved all the seasons of the year, winter, summer, spring fall… I love them all. 

Well, today, in Southwest Ohio is a day that reinforced that love.  It is a clear blue sky, 72 degrees, the leaves are not quite as bright as they were a few weeks ago, only because now they are starting to fall.  The winds are steady at about 15-20 mph and what is so remarkable is the leaf fall we are having. 

You know…. snowfall, rainfall, leaf fall!  Every time the wind gusts, the leaves come pouring down from the trees.  I stand outside and watch the pour down and am filled with a delight similar to those days as a child on Christmas morning. 

I know I have to relish these moments right now, because tomorrow the temperatures will drop and the skies will be grey, and soon every day will be such for a couple of months.  I’ll find joy in those days to, when they get here….but for now, I stand in the yard with my arms outstretched catching the beauty  of the leaf fall.


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