Every once in a while, I
go on a mental rant, where I start thinking about something and I just can’t
get it out of my head and I go on and on and on…in my head.
One topic in particular is
a job I had a few years back. I never
actually had a career, just worked at office jobs with original titles of
Secretary, then Admin. Assistant, and on down the line. By my 40’s I was an Assistant to the
Director, then Director of a multi-specialty group medical practice. Along the way I had my own business and lots
of in between contract jobs. I can
honestly say that each and every one of those positions was fine…no major
issues, never fired, always gainfully employed and generally got along well
with everyone…. except for one job. This
one job I always felt like I was the Black Sheep of the team. I’ve wondered why all these years. I finally figured it out.
I’m currently reading a
book by Brene Brown titled Braving the Wilderness. The subtitle to the book is “The Quest for
True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.”
You have to read the book to get the full context, however, to give you
a heads up, one chapter is titled “Speak Truth to Bullshit. Be Civil” and therein lies the crux of my
You see, by the time I
made it to this job I had held a director level position and was very used to
operating rather independently. This job
was a low-level entry-level position. It
was immediately after I had closed down my business and I just needed to get
kick started again. But it became clear
very quickly to me that something was off; and I think it was because I did
speak the truth to bullshit, but was always very civil. Let me give you some examples.
There was the time this
manager in our department came to me to give me a project, she wanted me to
research finance companies for low interest rates for she and her husband to
use in purchasing a new home. Keep in
mind, this had absolutely nothing to do with my employers’ business. I just looked at her and said, “XXX, I’m
pretty sure this is not in my job description, nor is that what XYZ is paying
me to do.“ She just walked away.
Another time she tried to
strong arm me into purchasing her son’s school candy in a fund-raising event. I might have done it, but it was the way she
presented the purchase that was a major turn off for me and I told her, “No
thank you, I have my own charities that I support.”
Another manager cornered
me in his office one day and started yelling about an email I had sent
him. He laid into me saying I was
yelling at him in the message. Now the
type face was not in all caps, it was just 14 pt instead of 11 pt. I looked at him and very calmly said, “XXX,
you will know if I am yelling at you by the words I choose to write, not by the
size of the font. I use that size
because my eyesight it starting to dwindle and I can read it easily.” Geeze, was he mad. (PS…the topic was totally
neutral, nothing to fight about.)
Another manager threatened
to write me up for insubordination, because I presented an alternate option (nicely)
to a solution she was presenting.
Another interesting
situation was I figured out pretty quickly that there was a ‘mole’ in our
department who went secretly to the Vice President of our department to report
anything and everything that was going on.
I figured out who it was and tried to keep a low profile.
I worked there about 13
years. Once I figured out the dynamics
of our department, I did manage to develop relationships with fellow employees
who were not so shallow and insecure.
But I think a lot of people never could handle that I didn’t tolerate
Bullshit. I never did ‘fit in’ and while
I was never rude, the Bullshitters did come to view me as ‘difficult’.
I doubt very much that I
could have withstood the dynamics of this department if I had not been a
manager in prior positions, but I had put up with a lot of Bullshit from a very
early age. I started working for pay when I was 10 years old, and over the
years in addition to my own experience, I had worked with some remarkable
managers, who knew how to build teams of ‘true belonging’ (per Ms. Brown) which
in turn did not create Bullshit to begin with.
Geeze am I glad I am retired!!!!