Sunday, November 08, 2020

A Look Forward

So  this week went pretty much as expected...the election took a little while to decide....and according to Trump it still isn't decided.  I for one am so glad this political season is over, although it isn't and probably never will be again for as long as this country continues to exist.  

A 'friend' posted on Facebook how she would be looking toward 4 years from now to track all the indices to see how Biden does as a president.  Everything she mentioned was financial....and that I guess, is what really ticked me off.  There is so much more to our existence than financial measurements.  I listed a few that I would be looking for from Biden:

  • I will be looking for is our country regaining the dignity and respect we once held around the globe.
  • Progress on Climate Change. 
  • Rejoining WHO and the Paris Climate Accord. 
  • Leadership at the national level for COVID
  • A true movement forward in our race relations
  • A reduction in our $26 trillion national debt
  • Reuniting 500+ children with their families and out of concentration camps. 
  • Reopening our borders to those less fortunate than ourselves and allowing the opportunities they can bring to our country. 
  • Re-establishing relations with our long standing allies of Canada, England, France, Germany.... 
  • Maintaining a healthy distance in our relations with Russia, North Korea and China. 
  • Re-establishing the protection our wild places so desperately deserve, especially the Arctic National Refuge and Bears Ears National Monument. 
  • A strong lead internationally on the development of renewable resources and away from the unsustainable continued impact of the oil industry. 
  • Once again allowing our scientist and knowledge leaders to guide our decisions from the EPA. 

You may notice some focus on climate and the environment in my concerns.  Here's my date this country has had 45 presidents.  If we are very lucky we will have at least 45 more.  The politics will shift and ebb and flow with time.  However, we only have one earth, one home, and if we don't start paying attention we are going to lose that.  

People can argue until they are blue in the face regarding this issue, but I'm going with the scientist and what I see out there myself .  We are in the middle of the 6th global extinction, and if we don't get our heads out of our assholes, it won't make a bit of difference who is in the White House.  


Anonymous Judy Neubacher said...

I so agree! It saddens me to know how badly our environment is hurting and our leaders don’t see it as a priority. That’s because it does not put money in our pockets to save it.

3:24 PM  

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