Friday, August 23, 2024

Sally's Secret

A couple of days ago I was visiting with a friend when she mentioned that she had visited with an acquaintance we both used to work with.  This woman, I’ll call her Sally (not her real name) was always kind of quirky.  She suffered from a lot of anxieties and was just odd, in a lot of different ways.  Sally mentioned, while visiting with my friend, that she was taking steps to make sure she does not get old!  She evidentially has come up with a plan of exercise and diet to ensure that she does not age. 

Hmmm….interesting, since as we have known each other for 20+ years, she, as well as all of us, have definitely gotten older.  I am now 76 and for sure do not have the same body or mind that I had at 6, or 31, or 54.  I chuckled a bit and then moved on. 

But it did get me thinking.  I can definitely understand the urge to not age.  In addition to the effects on the body and mind, it brings with it a whole host of other issues.  Like for instance how do I know when to stop driving?  Do I age in place or make arrangements to move into a retirement community?  Will I outlive my money? And so many more questions. 

I’ve seen some examples of aging that don’t seem to work well.  For instance, I’ve known a few folks who have really, really fought hard, to keep their driving privileges.  I know that’s a huge loss.  I worked with my brother before his passing to help make that decision.  In his case, he was able to safely keep driving, his driving skills were still good.  But, he didn’t make good decisions when it came to driving. 

As an example, he would drive to the next town over, about 20 miles, to play cards each week.  One day I got a call from him that his van had broken down and he needed a ride home.  He had already called AAA for the tow.  When I arrived at the site his car was parked in a median in the middle of the road with a cop in attendance.  When the van was finally picked up and we were headed home he told me that the van had started making funny noises that he knew weren’t good, but he kept driving hoping to make it to his destination.  When the noises started, he was closer to home, but he didn’t want to miss playing cards.  I looked at him and just shook my head.

There have been other folks who insist on living where they are, even though it is obvious that they need to downsize and find safer accommodations.  But the emotion associated with staying where they are overrides all the logical conclusions that would move them to more appropriate housing. 

The list, of course, goes on and on.  And it seems the older we get the longer the list. I don’t have answers for anyone but myself, and I think I’m looking at this pretty well.  But, kinda wish I knew Sally’s secret, if she really has one, not aging would be a nice answer!!



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