Scotland - Day 2
The day started much too early for me, even though I was awake and moving, I really wasn't ready to leave my room and greet the day, but off I went to breakfast by 7:30 AM (2:30 AM Cincinnati time, which I am definitely still on).
By 8:30 we were on the coach and making our way to the Royal Mile. Stewart is our coach driver and the coach itself is very comfortable. However, I definitely would not want to drive it in this city. So far all the roads we have seen are very narrow and traffic is crazy....and its crazier still cause the movie "Fast &Furious #9" is currently being filmed here. Nuts!!!!
The Royal Mile is a mile-long street which earned its regal nickname in the 16th century when it was used by the king to travel between the castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse. There are 5 sections, the names of which reflect their historical origins. We did not hike the entire mile, but probably 3/4 of it. Our coach took us to the top of the mile at the base of Edinburgh Castle and we hiked down where the coach picked us up and took us back to the top again. It was a meandering walk, slowly paced while our guide stopped at different places of either historical significance or cultural...think John Knox vs Harry Potter. :)
Just as we finished up at the Castle the rain started to fall in ernest. So far we have not seen much of the sun, just gray overcast skies and the rain spitting as us from time to time.
A small group of us headed from the castle to Rosslyn Chapel, well known in the US for its role in the "DaVinci Code" book and movie. Of course it has a much more relevant history in Scotland. The chapel was built in the mid-15th century for William St Clair, third earl of Orkney and the ornately carved interior, at odds with the architectural fashion of its time, is a monument to the mason's art, rich in symbolic imagery. Unfortunately photos were not allowed inside the chapel.
The village of Rosslyn is also known internationally in scientific circles for the Rosslyn Bio-Center home of the cloned sheep Dolly. I remember when she was quite famous in her day!!
From the Chapel we headed back to the hotel for a break....then out again at 6:30 for dinner and a show at Prestonfield. It was a fun evening although a little long for someone who has been on the go all day.
It was still raining when we arrived, so you can see above our greeting at the door to the restaurant.
Tomorrow starts off again with a 7:30 AM breakfast, sure hope I wake up in time!!!
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