The Adventure Begins
The next 14 days of blogging are dedicated to Nancy Richey who was supposed to be on this trip, but is not for personal reasons. A couple of years ago she asked if I would ever go to Alaska with her and I said as soon as possible. It was supposed to be this trip, but I guess the Fates worked against us.
It is also dedicated to all those Dixie Rebels who really wanted to know who you are....but for all kinds of reasons, could not. I know this account of our trip will not come close to what it would have been if you were here...but I hope it will give each of the readers a little feel for the granduer and beauty that is all Alaska. Those of us on this trip wish each of you could be here!!
It is 9:30 on Monday night 7.5 hours before I have to wake up at this Ramada Inn east of Columbus and catch the shuttle to the airport. My flight takes me from Columbus to Minneapolis and then on to Anchorage.
The time difference will be a killer, and the 24 hours of daylight will take its toll...but I am so ready for this!!! Anchorage here I come!!!
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