Memories II
Funny how innocent little every day occurrences can release a flood of memories.
Last night I was channel surfing trying to find anything that might be interesting on TV. Something that is very hard to do these days. TV sure isn’t what it used to be…in my opinion.
Anyway, I’m flipping through the channels when I run across the great movie Gone With The Wind and instantly I was zapped back to 1961 and the first time I saw GWTW.
I was making plans with my friends to go see the movie Atlantis The Lost Continent a movie that at the time got a lot of hype and I was very eager to see. However, Mom had other plans for me. She wanted me to go with her to see GWTW. Not only did she want me to go….she insisted that I go.
You have to understand, I was a very strong willed child and could really pitch a fit when I didn’t get my way. However, I was also my Mother’s daughter and came by that trait naturally because Mom was just as strong willed and had more practice at getting her way!
I was sooooo angry. She was of course ruining my entire weekend and who wanted to see a dumb ole movie about the Civil War!!! But she was a sly fox. She didn’t tell me anything about the movie, or why she wanted me to see it…she just drug me to the theater kicking and screaming (metaphorically speaking of course) all the way. I was mad and deliberately refused to get sucked into the movie until the scene at the beginning where Scarlett throws the vase at Rhett for eavesdropping on her conversation with Ashley.
After that I was hopelessly hooked on the entire 3 hr, 44 minute saga of Scarlett and Rhett. I went back and saw the movie anytime it was showing. Read the book countless times and had my favorite sections marked. I drooled over Rhett and wished I had Scarlett’s guts.
Now, with maturity, I recognize Scarlett for the spoiled little brat that she was…but she sure did keep the story interesting. And for all her faults she was in the end…an incredible survivor.
Every die hard fan knows that in the 1991 Alexandra Ripley wrote a sequel to GWTW, but I and almost everyone else was very disappointed. It just didn’t keep up with Margret Mitchell’s talent for story telling.
So last night was bitter sweet…to watch the movie again, thanking Mom the entire time and wishing with all my heart that she was there, to share it with her one more time.