Day 4 in Anchorage
Ben is still on his kayak trip and Gretchen was up and out early for work so it was just Karen and I today. We didn’t really have a plan so the day unfolded slowly. But finally we were up and out of the house by 11 AM.
First stop was in downtown Anchorage to pick up an Alaskan doll for my friend, Sherri. Then it was off to the east side of town to find the Alaska Native Heritage Museum. It was a museum that she had wanted to visit for a long time and today we had a discount card of 2 for 1. We found the museum and arrived just in time for the 2 PM Native Dance performance.
Gray Whale skeleton
Indian totem pole carvers
Alaska Native dancers
After that we wandered through the museum and grounds learning about the different Alaska Native tribes and their culture.
From there Karen and I continued a long standing tradition of visiting botanical gardens of any city we visit together. Anchorage has a very nice botanical garden and we wandered the grounds for a while. I’ve included several photos for my flower loving friends.
Peonies are just blooming here!
A Blue Poppy, never seen one before!!!
Finally, just as a side note, I’m including a photo that I took during my first day. It gave me a chuckle and for those folks reading this who are really curious about Alaska, it is just another example of how different life is in many ways, here in the land of the Last Frontier. The sign in this photo is on a liquor store in downtown Anchorage.
Check out this sign!! It might just be my sense of humor, but I thought this was funny!
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