Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Owl Chronicles

April 28-May 8 Southern Utah
Day 3

Left St. George by 10 AM headed to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Knab, UT.  Passed through more beautiful country....just can't say enough "Ohhhss" and "Ahsss".

Found our way to Best Friends and was really impressed....wow, what an opereation.  3700 acres dedicated to animal rescue.  We took the 2:30 tour and learned a lot.  Was hard seeing the dogs and cats without homes.  Even though they are in the perfect place for a homeless animal.  Saw a cat there who looked just like my dear Thia.  Told Pete he was lucky I wasn't coming home with a new cat.  He told me, no I was lucky I wasn't coming home with a new kitty....meaning I guess he would not have been happy with a new housemate.

This really is a very special place.  We are spending the night in one of their cottages (very nice) and then hiking on the property in the AM.  Heading for Zion National Park tomorrow for 3 days.

The Owl Chronicles

Day 2 - May 29, 2019

Well it is apparent that 3 women sharing a motel room is a challenge.  Barb and I like the room cold, Karen wants it much warmer.  Karen and I got to bed very early, Barb stays up much later.  I get up very early, Karen and Barb sleep in.  Good thing we are such good friends!

Day 2 began with a trip out to Kolob Canyon which is a piece of Zion National Park.  As we approached it became clear that the weather might be a challenge.

Made it to the end of the 5 mile Park Road and yep...the wind and rain cut loose.  What to do now.  Decided to drive in a different direction and headed over to Snow Canyon State Park.  So funny to see how different it could be...but still fantastic.  We took the Lava Trail, about 2 miles round trip, and visited lava tubes of an extinct volcano.  Black rocks, red rocks, white rocks....beautiful.

Lunch time came around and the weather had cleared a bit so we decided to go back to Kolob Canyon and try again.  Weather was perfect so got to see the rocks in gorgeous color and sunshine.

Began the drive back to St. George and this time the weather turned dangerous...huge threatening lightening storm came raging in.  Kudos to Barb for her courage to keep on driving...I would have pulled over.  Made it back to town just fine.

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Owl Chronicles

Southern Utah April 28-May 8, 2019

Day 1 April 28

Up and out of the house by 4:00 AM.  Nice quick drive to the Columbus Airport and then on my way.  Good flight until final approach into Dallas Airport when things got very bumpy...don't like those bumby rides!    Flight was a little late out of Dallas, but the best fun was finding Karen and Barb at the Phoenix Airport...even with the modern technology of cell phones, what a mess.

Finally found each other, we were all starving, found a great mexican restaurant, filled up with gas and then on the road.  7+ hour drive to St. George, Utah where we had our hotel reservation.    God that was a long day.  Three of us sharing a hotel room turned into a tough night for Barb as I was snoring heavily.  Evidentially Karen can sleep through anything!!  I woke up at 2:30 AM to find Barb sleeping on the floor.    Geeze I felt bad!!  Oh well, we got through the night.

(Oh...P.S.  Owl Chronicles = Old White Ladies)