Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring Is Here

It is this time of the year when you just have to pay better attention, when you are outside, to the life that is all around you.  And by that I mean....

I posted on Facebook the other day about finding a bunny nest while I was weeding a flower bed.  Didn't see the bunnies, but I knew they were there because of their chirping and wiggling that was evident.  I was too close for their comfort, so I moved elsewhere.

A few days later while I was cleaning windows, hanging out from one trying to remove the screen from the inside out...not a smart thing, I became aware of a pair of Cardinals who were making a racket and flitting all over the place.  Turns out, when I stopped for a second, that their baby, who was about a week from being ready to fly, was in the bush directly below me, frantically trying to get away from me.

Today I was mowing the yard when I had to swerve to miss a baby Robin  in the grass.  Was afraid I would forget him on my next pass, so I parked the lawn mower and went back to him.  Didn't want to touch him so I got a small stick and tried to get him on it, but he wouldn't  let go of the grass.  Ended up taking my shorts off (yes we have a very private yard) and scooped him up and moved him to the tree row.  Mommy and Daddy Robins were having a fit.

Next pass in almost the same spot and there was another one.  Knew it couldn't be the same baby and besides, this one was really on the move!  He scooted up under a big fur tree for safety.  So all was well.

THEN...later in the day I walked out to our mailbox...a small hike from our house to the road... there was that same little guy, the scooter.  He had made it from the fur tree across the driveway and up the embankment.  I could hear the chirping of the one I had moved, but never did see him, he blended in with the environment so well.  But again, Mommy and Daddy Robin were making such a racket that I knew they were excited about something.

Maybe it's the season or maybe it's because I've been hanging out with birders recently....or maybe it's because we live in the country...probably a combination of all three, but I am just so aware of all the life around us.  All these beautiful animals are living their lives, hoping for the best for their babies, letting us know they are there if we just take the time to look.