Monday, February 13, 2006

I Forgot.......

Sunday, 2/12, I started hiking the Buckeye Trail. Something like the Applachian Trail, except totally within the state of Ohio. 1200+ miles, it was Pat's idea. 2/12 was her 64th birthday and she wanted to start a new challenge and I decided I wanted to join her. So, we have a pact, to do it together. Yesterday her friend Judy and husband Lynn joined us as we hiked the first 3.1 miles of the trail. It started in downtown Cincinnati, at the Ohio River Overlook. Only 400+ more trips like that. Hopefully we will eventually be able to increase our mileage. Anyway, the trail goes around the state of Ohio. Look it up on if you're interested

Olympics Are On!!

Four years ago I was in Salt Lake City for Opening Ceremonies! Can't believe it's been 4 years, seems like yesterday. I love the Olympics!! I tried to win a contest to go to Torino, but that didn't work out, so now I'm satisfied to watch from home. So, I'm a little distracted for the moment, so not many entries for the next few days!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

Well, i'ts been a week. And now 12:44 AM on a Monday morning which means in a very few hours I have to get up and go to work. I don't know why, but from time to time I just can't get to sleep. It appears that tonight is one of those nights.

Super Bowl was today. Not of much interest to me. I turned in a couple of times, just to see who was winning, but didn't actually watch any of the game. Instead, the other channels knew they couldn't compete, so they didn't try. One channel ran back to back Barbar Striesand movies, two of my favorites: Yentil and A Star Is Born. Watched both, they were wonderful.

I didn't win the trip to the Olympics. Darn. I really wanted to go. Instead I will have to settle for a drive to Florida, see Mom and Dad for a week and enjoy the sunshine and warmth, just when winter is really settling in here.

I think the other reason I can't get to sleep was watching Grey's Anatomy tonight. I just love that show. Tonight was really good and they left it as a cliff hanger. Meredith has her hand on a live shell in a guys body, Dr. Bailey is having a baby, Dr. McDreamy is saving Dr. Bailey's husband's life, etc. etc., all the stuff good soaps are made of. I just love it. Can't stand waiting until next week.

I'll be back before then though!