As I said in my original post, I've been trying to figure out why anyone would want to 'Blog'. I've made a couple of entries and wandered through other posted blogs, but didn't quite 'get it'. Last night, late, as I was trying to fall asleep an idea finally came to me. This tool could be very cool for some of us who currently don't do a great job of staying in touch. If I can convince each of you to occassionally make an entry, and share your life with the rest of us, it would be like an on-going Christmas letter.
So, I'm inviting Nancy R., Karen S, Diane K, Sandy S. Barb Z. and Pat F to participate. Yes, I know, a couple of you really don't like sitting in front of the computer, certainly not as much as I do. But if you would bookmark this site, and if everyone agrees, we can come up with a new name for this site, and then we can just the spirit of sisterhood moves us. If you enjoy this site and feel so moved, everyone could invite their friends to participate. Who knows, eventually we could have a really big group, talking about lives and girl things.
First steps, let me introduce you to each other. Nancy R. has met Karen S and lives in the same town as Barb Z, although I don't think they have ever met. Karen S. knows Diane, K., Sandy S., Pat F and she met Barb Z at my wedding, if she remembers. Pat F. knows Karen and Sandy. So, not everyone knows everyone else. I'll start with Nancy R.
Nancy R. is my oldest friend, not by age, but by lenght of knowing each other!! We met in the 8th grade when she joined my 8th grade homeroom class. I remember thinking at the time that she looked just like Haley Mills....remember Pollyanna and the Parent Trap!! My hand shot up when the teacher asked for someone to share their locker with her. We've been friends ever since. She married her high school sweetheart, has 3 children and still lives in the St. Pete/Tampa area.
Diane K. is the next in line. I met Diane in 1968 when I started my first 'real job' at Ohio National Life Insurance Company in Cincinnati. I remember that she was the first friendly face at Ohio National. I still giggle inside when I remember in our 'youth', waking her up at 7:30 AM on Saturday mornings to go shopping at Findley Market after she had been up very late the night before, hanging on the Hill! Diane lives in Maine and I rarely get to see her. :(
Karen S. became a dear friend when we met in Alaska in 1973. Twice we managed to date the same guy and Fairbanks is a small enough town that we both knew it. Yikes!! Somehow, over the years our friendship endured and we have had many great adventures together. She was the lucky one who got to retire early and move to Wisconsin with her husband, John. Her daughter, Gretchen, still lives in Alaska so she has a good excuse to visit there on a regular basis.
Pat F. I met shortly after I returned from Alaska. I had such a wonderful experience there that when I returned to Cincinnati I was looking for some way to recapture the experience. I found that in the Sierra Club and Pat and her husband Lynn became close friends through the club. She is my walking buddy, when we can find time. I'm going to try and hike as much of the Buckeye Trail with her as I can, a 1200+ mile loop around Ohio!!!
Barb Z. and I worked together at Hoxworth Blood Center. We didn't really get to know each other until the weekend we both rode in the MS 100 bike ride. When we arrived at the Lebanon YMCA for the evening we recognized each other and struck up a conversation that has kept going. She and her husband Steve have moved from Cincinnati to Florida to Colorado and then back to Florida. So keeping up with her has been a challenge!
Last but not least is
Sandy S. One Sunday morning on a Sierra Club bike ride I happen to ride along side Sandy. She and I struck up a conversation and have stayed in touch since. Again, she is one lady I don't get to see nearly enough of, and Virginia is not typically where I get to travel to. But she and her husband Jim and son Adam have a wonderful home there and we do get to visit occassionally.
So, the common thread amongst you is not just me. I do seem to enjoy the company of strong, self-reliant women who know how to speak their voice and enjoy life to the fullest. I hope you will participate and we all get to know each other a little more and stay in touch better than what is typical. Even if you don't enjoy the computer that much, just try. Let's see what life this site can take on for itself!