Thursday, December 29, 2005

Last Day of Work....For The Year!!!

Yeah, another year of work, done!!! I left a little early and joined Pat for a 4 mile hike around Hyde Park. It was a good visit and good for me to hike. I have gotten way too sedentary.

We talked about hiking the Buckeye Trail. Actually, she brought it up, but I have thought about it in the past. Pat just gave me a little push to think about it again. I just looked up their website. It could be done, piece by piece, overtime. I think I'll take her up on it. Maybe it should be a New Year's Resolution. I wonder how may miles this year?

So a long weekend is before me. Am looking forward to another 4 days off.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I entered a contest yesterday!! I don't usually enter contests, but working for Johnson & Johnson we get some unique opportunities.

For the first time ever J&J is a corporate sponsor of the Olymics. The contest is write a 300 word essay on their topic and maybe win one week in Torino at the Winter Olympics. They'll provide everything, including a laptop computer and digital camera. The expectation is that you contribute to the corporate blog covering the Olympics during the week you are there. There will be 4 winners, one for each week of the Olympics. Considering there are approximately 115,000 employees of J&J globally, I figure there isn't much of a chance, but it sure would be fun!!!

I went to the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics and the 1996 Atlanta games. I loved it. Even with not having much money so not getting to the best events, they were both still awesome experiences.

So, now I wait for a few weeks to see which 4 of the 115,000 get to go.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

December 27 2005

Well, I've been wondering for a long time, what exactly is a 'blog', now I know. Hope to make this fun and I want to go out and see other blogs.

My name is Sue and I live in Warren County, Ohio about 30 miles northeast of Cincinnati. My husband and I have 10 acres of land and enjoy the 'country' life. We have Ginger, the Redbone Coonhound and Romeo, the black and white tom cat who share our home. Pete has two children from his first marriage who now live in the area near us. In August his son and wife delivered our first grandson.

I enjoy gardening, anything outside like bike riding, hiking, canoeing, etc. I don't do any tent camping anymore, just don't enjoy sleeping on the ground anymore.

Christmas just passed and it was perfect. Just the right amount of family time and quiet time away from work. I am pretty much an extrovert, but really enjoy time to myself, so half of the day with family to open gifts and eat, eat, eat was just right. The rest of the day was putting around the house.

Speaking of putting, I am also an avid golfer. Can't wait for spring to get back on the golf course again. I play in two leagues, a woman's league and a mixed league from work. I'm not very good, but have been playing since I was 16. This year was a huge breakthrough year for me, where, after some excellent coaching, I broke 100!!!

Got to go.